Waymenel Connect is the division that connects brands to consumers or viewers – using digital comms, social media conversations, corporate videos, television adverts and Ad-Funded content. We are the connection that connects brands to people.
Sex Ed. Social Media Campaign
Africa Sex Ed. Social Media
Amaze.org.za Website
S1 & S2 Social Media Campaign
Social Media & Advertising
Social Media & Advertising
Branded Content
YPT | ESA Youths
The ESA Commitment is a regional commitment to CSE. This is the motivation from Youths across the region who remain committed to continuing with the ESA Commitment up to 2030.
YPT | ESA Teachers
The ESA Commitment is a regional commitment to CSE. This is the motivation from Teachers across the region who remain committed to continuing with the ESA Commitment up to 2030.
YPT | ESA Parents
The ESA Commitment is a regional commitment to CSE. This is the motivation from Parents across the region who remain committed to continuing with the ESA Commitment up to 2030.
YPT | ESA Religious Leaders
The ESA Commitment is a regional commitment to CSE. This is the motivation from Religious Leaders across the region who remain committed to continuing with the ESA Commitment up to 2030.
SRHR Africa Trust (SAT) – Vaccinations: What is the Big Fuss?
SRHR Africa Trust (SAT) – CSE Disregards Morals and Values
SRHR Africa Trust (SAT) -TEASER CSE: Undermines Family Authority
SRHR Africa Trust (SAT) – TEASER CSE: Teaches You How to Have Sex
SRHR Africa Trust (SAT) – African Voices for CSE
Advocates for Youth (AFY) – AMAZE TVC
High School Musical
Advocates for Youth (AFY) – AMAZE TVC
Meyer von Wielligh Promo